1. Web Sites. Streetcats
Foundation for Youth/SCMetro was one of the earliest non-profits on the web, in late 1994.
Its award-winning Child Net now has 2.6 million users around the country each other. We
have also created a dozen other major web sites, including Teen-Anon, One Heart for Kids,
Young & Recovering, Sixties Net, Cityscentral.com, Teensurfer and Kidsurfer. Upcoming:
Parent-Dex, Spiritual Zones, Positive Joy, Kidzoom, Youth-Counselor, Christian Teens
Online and Jewish-Teens. In early February, 2002, we introduce City-Spirit, the first of a
series of local city Interfaith Community sites, beginning with SF Bay Spirit, L.A.
Spirit, Chicago Spirit, NYC Spirit and Boston Spirit, with Dallas, Seattle, Houston,
Philadelphia, San Diego, Miami, Detroit and Wash.D.C. following in Summer, 2002. Each site
will offer 30 or more featured congregations in its Metro area, Faith-based events and
local music, youth activities, discussion boards, news and other media, Bible search,
Faith community volunteer opportunities and more. Sites will be featured in a media
campaign starting in late Feb.2002.
These sites, as well as our child.net, parentdex.com, teen-anon.com, streetcats.org,
youth-counseling.net and youngandrecovering.com sites and YOUR own congregation web site
ill become a focal point for letting people throughout your community know about the local
2. Counseling Materials: Streetcats has already created its own counseling
materials including. A 2-volume Youth Counselor A-Z with the best articles on the full
spectrum of youth and family issues from A.D.D. to Teen Violence and local resources and
hotlines in each geographic area: A Teen-Anon 12-step Group Leaders Guide and a Young
& Recovering Group Leaders Guide. These contain the best counseling and leadership
materials available on teen/youth alcohol and other drug abuse. There are separate
editions/supplements for Hispanic, Jewish and Christian Youth and an almost-complete
separate volume for helping GLBQ youth. These materials can be made immediately available
to all staff counselors at your congregation and at nearby congregations you are
collaborating with. There are also Streetcats-prepared handouts on addiction in the family
and youth drug abuse and city flyers listing 30 or more helping hotlines for specific
family concerns in each city.
3. Additional Materials. Streetcats has long experience gathering and deseminating
material to other youth counselors, to teens, youth and families. Within 30-60 days, each
Interfaith Family Resource Center can have on-hand and ready to distribute hundreds of
copies of 60 different brochures covering topics ranging from domestic violence and teen
pregnancy to alcohol and all other drugs of abuse, teen violence, suicide and bullying,
childrens health, mentoring, Attention Deficit Disorder, gangs, runaways and street kids,
building self-esteem and much more.
Each Center would have centrally-located racks of these materials, ready to distribute to
anyone in need in the community or for counselors to consult.
4. Hotlines. In addition to your congregations main number and any counseling or
pastoral counseling phone numbers, we would establish a California-wide Interfaith Family
Resource Center hotline, to be widely-publicized.
The advantages of having a statewide number is:
- Costs are shared by several congregations
- Referrals can be made to the best resources, from counseling and health centers to local
social service agencies and church and synagogue congregations all over the state.
- The hotlines can more readily be staffed...i.e. calls forwarded to volunteers in L.A. on
Tuesday,Oakland on Wednesday, San Francisco on Thursday, etc.
While these hotlines are not pastoral counseling lines per se, but deal with more
situational needs of people, those trained and staffing them should be well-convicted in
Judeo-Christianstandards and knowledge, should offer the hope perspective that what we
can't handle or change, God can and be required, along with every situational helping
referral, to provide local congregation Faith materials and also refer people to their
congregational Priest, Rabbi or Pastor or their pastoral counselors.
Although it is expected that it will take about 5 months to implement
full-time hotlines (operating 5-6 days a week, weekends included, from 11:30am-8pm (with
recorded referrals at other times), a more modest schedule (2 weekdays and Saturday,
11:30-4:30pm) could and should be in place as soon as 8-10 weeks into the project.
5. Drop-In Centers. In the 7th-12th. month of the IFRC project, a space (office)
should be set aside in each congregation or in a donated downtown center for people to
drop-in to pick up materials described above.
At such time, all materials will be moved to racks in each drop-in center,
phone lines moved or switched over to the drop-in centers and a regular staffing time
established, depending on man/woman power available. Drop-in, to start, should be
available at least two weekdays and Saturdays and after morning services as well, for at
least 4-hour segments each day and for 2-hours after services.
6. Psychological Counseling. In a later phase, the hotlines and drop-in centers can
have professional psychologists and marriage/family counselors donate 2-3 hours of their
time each week. These licensed professional counselors should have a Faith-base and
perspective as well as psychology credentials.
7. Publicizing. Each congregation can make announcements and distribute flyers to
congregants and members, publicize in their bulletins and on their web sites and through
local libraries, youth centers, boys/girls clubs and other area synagogues and churches.
IFRCs will also be promoted through local newspapers and broadcast media,
through radio public service announcements, already essentially completed and to be
revised under an existing agreement with YouthRadio and on City-Spirit and child. net
local web sites for Oakland, L.A.and San Francisco.
8. Staffing. The Interfaith Family Resource Center project already has two people
from Streetcats Foundation willing to direct its establishment and staffing and garner all
materials.Cumulatively, they can put in 18-22 hours each week from the start and gather
Volunteers can come from the Alameda County, San Francisco and Los Angeles
Volunteer Centers, the sponsoring congregations, other local congregations and volunteer
counseling students from area University Counseling and Childrens Studies programs (UCLA,
UC-Berkeley, USF, SFSU, local seminaries, Boys/Girls Clubs, etc Only 3-6 volunteers are
needed for the first 6 months.
9. Training. Initially, there should be a 4-hour training in each geographic area
for volunteers every 4 months.
In the 8th-12th. month of each IFRC and once a year thereafter, in
each locale, there should be an area-wide 6-hour one-day conference to train clergy in the
full spectrum of youth and family issues, the latest findings, the latest resources and
how spirituality/faith meets the world of psychology in youth and family counseling.
10. Funding. Initially and dependent on the speed of establishing the IFRCs,
$950-$1,350 per month will be required. Those costs can be divided up between sponsoring
congregations and come down to as little as $350-$500 per
month per congregation, for the first 5 months.
A commitment of up to a grand total of $1300 should be committed to from
each congregation.
Within 5-6 months, the planners of the IFRCs expect that each IFRC can be
fully sustainable from foundation and corporate grants and have already identified funders
who favor the concept of FRCs and certainly support Interfaith FRCs. Among them: The San
Francisco Foundation, The Lowell Berry Foundation, The San Francisco Children and Families
Administration, The Haas Fund, The California Community Foundation (Los Angeles), The East
Bay Community Foundation and the Presbyterian Committee Fund on the Self-Development of
It is anticipated that with as little as $24,000 a year in total funding,
all THREE IFRCs can be sustained ($8,000 each) and fully staffed.
Should funding achievements be less than that or take longer, all aspects of
the program can still be implemented, including hotlines, materials, counseling and
trainings for both clergy and counselors/resource people. Only the drop-in aspect of each
IFRC would be delayed.
Timing is essential as is a quick-start. The materials have essentially been
developed already, experienced people are now available to implement and funders at least
approached initially (funders usually like to see that something has already begun and in
the case of congregation-sponsored faith activities, secular funders are interested in
seeing some commitment from the churches and synagogues themselves.
Each sponsoring congregation needs to only make a funding commitment of up to
an initial $700-$900 seed fund and a remainder commitment of $600 more.
While these amounts per congregation could be reduced still further if more
congregations in each area shared in sponsoring, the gain would not be worthwhile enough
to risk losing the impetus, availabilities and to delay the project.